With Your Shield or Upon It
There is a common belief in modern society—God does not exist, and if He does exist, why would He let bad things happen to good people? While this narrative is definitive and easy to follow, it robs us of our curiosity.
What if God is real? What if existence itself revolves around His love for you?
If He is trying to connect with you, are you listening?
That’s why I’d like to share another side of the story.
This is a story of many heroes, but the greatest hero in this story is God. It all started with a 19-year-old boy who left everything behind to serve as a missionary in Brazil.
On his journey, his love for God was tested physically, emotionally, and spiritually as he learned from legends, fought for truth, and experienced miracles. Along the way, strangers became friends, friends became family, and family became eternal. This is my story.
To ensure that each of these events were accurate—I personally interviewed more than a hundred converts, church members, and past companions. Additionally, journal entries have been cross-referenced with letters home to create a multi-faceted understanding of each event that takes place.
This story represents the culmination of a series of impossible outcomes—made possible by an almighty God.