Preach My Gospel on Film
Preach My Gospel On Film is a captivating 13-part film series that brings this essential missionary guide to life on video. Just like a movie trains its actors to take on new roles, this series helps prepare young people to become effective missionaries by visually illustrating the principles and teachings found in the book.
Preach My Gospel – Chapter 1
Fulfill Your Missionary Purpose
Our prophet has called upon the Youth Battalion of The Lord. But like any army we need provide proper training to truly be effective. Preach My Gospel: The Second Edition provides this training.
Preach My Gospel – Chapter 2
Put On The Armor Of God
Our prophet has called the Youth Battalion of The Lord. In Chapter 2 we learn how to study the scriptures and put on the full armor of God!
Preach My Gospel – Chapter 3
Study And Teach The Gospel of Jesus Christ
For the Youth Battalion. of the Lord, teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ is essential for helping other progress on the covenant path.
To help youth prepare for full-time missionary service, we have provided an example for how the invitation for Baptism can be done in a 3-5 minute lesson.
Preach My Gospel – Chapter 4
Seek And Rely On The Spirit
You need the guiding, revelatory power of the Holy Ghost as you help people be baptized, confirmed, and converted.
You face different needs and circumstances every day. Promptings from the Spirit will help you know what to do and say. As you seek and act on these promptings, the Holy Ghost will magnify your abilities and service to far exceed what you can do on your own.
He will help you in every aspect of your missionary service and your personal life.
Preach My Gospel – Chapter 5
Use The Power Of The Book Of Mormon
The Lord said to “teach the principles of my gospel, which are in the Bible and the Book of Mormon, in the which is the fulness of the gospel” (Doctrine & Covenants Section 42:12)
The Bible and Book of Mormon complement and enrich each other (see Ezekiel 37:16–17; 1 Nephi 13:40; Mormon 7:8–9). Both volumes of scripture are compilations of teachings recorded by ancient prophets. The Bible tells of God’s interactions with people in the Eastern Hemisphere for thousands of years. The Book of Mormon tells of God’s interactions with people in the ancient Americas for more than a thousand years.
The central purpose of the Book of Mormon is to testify of Jesus Christ. It affirms the reality of His life, mission, resurrection, and power. It teaches true doctrine about Christ and His Atonement.
As people read and pray about the Book of Mormon, they will come to know the Savior better and experience His love. They will grow in their testimony of Him. They will know how to come unto Him and be saved.
Preach My Gospel – Chapter 6
Seek Christlike Attributes
Preach My Gospel – Chapter 7
Master Your Mission Language
Strive to master the language throughout your mission and after you return. The Lord has invested much in you, and He may have uses for your language abilities later in your life.
As your ability to speak the language grows, people will listen more to what you say than to how you say it. You will be less worried about how to communicate the feelings that are in your heart. You will be better able to respond to the needs of those you teach and the promptings of the Spirit.
Preach My Gospel – Chapter 8
Accomplish The Work Through Goals And Plans
You are assigned to do the Lord’s work in a specific area. He wants you to watch over your area with love and great care. Your purpose is to help others come unto Him through faith, repentance, baptism and confirmation, and enduring to the end.
Do all you can to leave your area stronger than you found it. Meaningful goals and careful planning will help you accomplish what the Lord requires of you. As you care for the people in your assigned area, you will account to Him and to your mission leaders.
Your missionary call letter states: “As you devote your time and attention to serving the Lord, leaving behind all other personal affairs, the Lord will bless you with increased knowledge and testimony of the Restoration and of the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” This chapter will help you know how goal setting, planning, and accountability can help many people receive the restored gospel.
Preach My Gospel – Chapter 9
Find People To Teach
The doctrine and principles in this chapter will strengthen your faith that the Lord is preparing people to receive you and the restored gospel.
He will lead you to them or He will lead them to you. Finding is different in different parts of the world. Missionaries and mission presidents need to adapt to circumstances.
Despite differences, however, the principles for finding are universal.
Preach My Gospel – Chapter 10
Teach To Build Faith In Jesus Christ
Each person or family you teach is unique. Regardless of needs or problems, all people are best helped as they accept and live the gospel. You will be able to adjust your teaching as you listen to the promptings of the Spirit.
Heavenly Father knows His children, so rely on inspiration to make these decisions as you teach. Pray for the gift of discernment, and pay attention to thoughts that come to your mind or feelings you have about what to teach.
Trust in the promise that the Spirit will give you “in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say.” (Doctrine and Covenants 100:6).
More coming soon…